Saturday 27 July 2013

99 Names of Allah - Asma ul Husna - And the Answer is . . . Al-Mutakabbir!

About the Meaning

Allah calls Himself Al-Mutakabbir— The Supreme, The Majestic— once in the Quran, in ayah 23 of Surah Al Hashr.  Al-Mutakabbir reveals His Greatness and power at every moment and in every incident!
Mutakabbir comes from the root kaf-baa-raa which points out to different meanings. The first main meaning is to be grea; to be great in size, rank or dignity. But also to be great in learning, most knowing. It as well points out to actively using rights, privileges, rank and attributes that are above and beyond the rights of everyone else. Only Allah is Al-Mutakabbir!
“Kibriya’” means greatness and sovereignty, and it encompasses the meanings of the perfection of one’s self and existence; nobody can be described as such except Allah. Allahu Akbar – Allah is the Greatest -  comes from the same root, as well as the Name of Allah, Al-Kabeer.
Al-Mutakabbir is the One Who possesses all greatness, who is above having any of the qualities of His creatures, who cannot be harmed by the oppressors among His creation, Whose greatness and pride are the supermost!

Allah Al-Mutakabbir Versus the ‘mutakabbir’ People

On many places in the Quran Allah ‘azza wajal describes people as ‘mutakabbireen’ (the arrogant). It refers to the fact they have arrogance in their hearts and actions towards Allah ‘azza wajal by disbelieving in His Signs. Further, they are arrogant to other people by looking down on them. Only Allaah is al-Mutakabbir, in a positive sense.

Allah is the Supreme to whom every oppressor,  tyrant or arrogant person on Earth must ultimately bow.

A lesson on how to battle pride!

What is the opposite of kibr (arrogance)? It is humility; the adornment of a believer.
Abu Hurayrah radiyallaahu ‘anhu narrated that the Prophet salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam: “…and no one will exercise humility for Allah’s sake, except that Allah will raise him up“. [Muslim]
Urwah ibn Zubair radiyallaahu ‘anhu said: ‘I saw Umar carrying a large leather water canteen on his shoulder. I said to him, ‘Oh Amir-ul-Mu’mineen, you shouldn’t be carrying that’. Umar replied by saying, ‘A delegation came to Medina and I saw their obedience to me, and some ‘nakwah’ entered into my heart and I wanted to destroy it’. We all know of the strong personality of Umar radiyallaahu ‘anhu  and  yet when a small amount of pride (nakwah) entered into his heart, he hurried in an attempt to destroy it before it destroyed him.

How Can You Live by This Name?

1. Be great by being humble!
The greatest strength that you can attain is to place your reliance in Allah ‘azza wajal and seek His support. The highest level of greatness you can attain is to show humility to your Lord. Allah al-Mutakabbir says in Surah Maidah ayah 54, which can be translated as:  “Oh you who believe, whoever of you should revert from his religion, Allah will bring forth a people He will love, and who will love Him, (who are) humble towards the believers, and powerful (I’zzah) against the disbelievers…

2. Respect others for the sake of Allah al-Mutakabbir

As a believers we should respect others, even though they may possess less knowledge, wealth, fame or status.  Some people even look down on people because they have a different skin colour! The Prophet salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever possesses an atom’s weight of ‘kibr’ will not enter into the paradise “. Muslim

Abu Bakr radiyallaahu ‘anhu said: “Let not any Muslim belittle another Muslim, for the lowest of the Muslims is great in the Sight of Allah.

3. Remind yourself of al-Mutakabbir to battle arrogance

Allah ‘azza wajal is the Only True King and we are His Slaves. But He is also the Most Merciful to His Slaves. Let’s not forget this. It’s easy to fall into arrogance, thinking we ‘know’ better and transgressing the limits set by Allah al -Mutakabbir. So keep checking your heart for feelings of arrogance creeping in and deal with them straight away by reminding yourself of the Greatness of Allah.  Al-Hasan al-Basri said: “I wonder at the son of Adam! He uses his hand to wash himself from his waste once or twice a day, yet he seeks to compete with the All-Mighty?

4. Be humble to increase your knowledge

Abdullah ibn Mu’tazz radiyallahu ‘anhu said: ‘The humble student is the one who gets the most knowledge, just as the lowest places on earth collect the most water‘. So always be humble towards your teachers!

5. Ask al-Mutakabbir to protect you

Every day ask Allah al-Mutakabbir to save you from the evil of pride!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.

O Allah, Al-Mutakabbir, guide our hearts and actions to humility, protect us from arrogance and looking down on others, and make us of those who are blessed to witnessYour Grandeur in Paradise, ameen!