Monday 22 July 2013

99 Names of Allah - Asma ul Husna - And the Answer is . . . As-Samee’!

Allah calls Himself As-Samee’— The Hearing, The Ever-Listening— on 45 occasions in the Quran. As-Samee’ is the One whose hearing and attention comprehends everything. He is the One Who hears every word, thought, and secret and He listens to every voice. As-Samee’ pays attention to every supplication and invocation!
Samee’ comes from the root seen-meem-‘ayn, which refers to the attribute of hearing, of listening and paying attention to and to understand the meaning of something and it appears 185 times in the Quran in 10 derived forms.
Examples of these forms are sami’a (to hear, to listen), tusmi’u (to make hear) and as-sam’a(the hearing) .
Allah’s nameAs-Samee’ refers to perfection and the totality of Allah’s hearing, which cannot be compared with the hearing of any other created being.

A Beautiful Ayah About The Hearing Of Allah

Three men assembled in front of the Sacred House. Their hearts were poor of understanding, but their stomachs were well-fattened. One of them said: “Do you think that Allah can hear what we say?” Another replied: “He hears us if we speak aloud, but not when we speak secretively.” The third countered: “If He could hear us when we speak aloud, He could also hear us if we speak softly.” Then Allah revealed the verse [Quran, 41:22):  And you did not veil yourselves against (the possibility that) your own ears and eyes and skins would bear witness against you but you thought Allah did not know much of what you did. [Saheeh al-Bukharee, Saheeh Muslim] Let’s take this a powerful motivation to mind the words that we utter!
No Secrets for As-Samee’!

As-Samee’ hears every single sound, every rustle of the tree, every voice and every thought. Our most secret speech is an open declaration before Allah. As-Samee’ tells us: It is the same to Him whether one of you conceals his speech or declares it openly; whether he lies hidden by night or walks forth freely by day. [Quran, 13: 10]

As-Samee’ hears every word we say, no matter how privately we speak. Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: Glory be to Allah whose hearing embraces all voices. The woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, with her plea. She had a grievance against her husband. I was in the corner of the house and did not hear what she said. Then Allah revealed: ‘Allah has heard the plea of the woman who pleads with you . . .’ [Sunan an-Nasaa’i, Sunan Ibn Majah]

The One Who Answers Our Prayers
Next to the amazing Hearing of Allah, The Beautiful Name As-Samee’ also means He answers our prayers. After bowing in prayer we say: Sami’Allahu liman hamidah (Allah hears the one who praises Him). We know that Allah hears us; this means that Allah answers those who praise Him and seek Him in prayer. Now every time you say ‘sami’Allahu liman hamidah’, feel that Allah is The All-Hearer and make the intention to strive that He only hears good from you!

How Can You Live by This Name?

1. Watch that tongue!

How many times have you watched your mouth when certain people were around, like your parents, a teacher or your boss? As a Muslim one of your tasks is to guard your tongue, anytime, anywhere, and in any company. Parents sin if they use inappropriately harsh or curse words while disciplining the children. As-Samee’ told us: Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it). [Quran, 50:18]
Use your tongue wisely so that your words will not be something that keep you from the gates of Jannah!

2. Study the etiquette of speech for a Muslim.

How do you know if your speech is pleasing to As-Samee’ if you did not study His Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him? Learn about the prohibitions of the tongue, like backbiting, swearing, and lying. Study the types of speech As-Samee’ loves to hear from you, like dhikr, good advice , kind words to others, and reciting the Quran!

3. Ask As-Samee’ in salah.

Did you know you have seven places where you seek As-Samee’ with supplications in your prayer? You can do so after the first takbeer, and on some occasions before bowing, also while bowing, when you rise from bowing, during your prostrations, between the two prostrations, and at the very end of the prayer before you say your Salaam. Make use of these times to ask for whatever (halaal) you want in this life and the next!

4. Make dua to As-Samee’ abundantly.

As-Samee’ hears and answers our prayers, so invoke Him and supplicate to Him. Remember— dua’ is the weapon of the believer.

5. Seek refuge in As-Samee’.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, used to seek refuge with Allah from “a prayer that goes unheard”. The Prophet did not mean that he feared Allah would not hear the prayer itself, but rather that Allah would leave the prayer unanswered.
6. Ask As-Samee’ to bless your hearing.

Allah As-Samee’ loves those who use the abilities He gave them for His Sake. Did Allah give you ears to listen to gossip or music? Did He give you a tongue so He could hear swearing and lying from you? Ask Him to help you to use your hearing and your tongue only for things pleasing to Him.

7. Pick the right words.

A true believer would never intentionally give reason to others to be doubtful, nor hurt their feelings in any way. You must ensure that, as far as possible, what you say is understood by all involved. Pick your words with wisdom!

8. Do dhikr with this name.

The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Anyone who says three times in the evening:
بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم
(Bismillahi Lladhi la yadurru ma`a smihi shay’un fi’l ardi wa la fi’s sama’i wa huwa’s Sami`ul `Aleem”, in the Name of Allah, with whose Name nothing on earth or in the sky can harm. And He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing) nothing will harm them until the morning, and anyone who says it three times in the morning, nothing will harm them until the evening.” [Ahmad]

Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.

O Allah, As-Samee’, we know You hear every sound and thought. Aid us to watch our tongue and use it for Your Sake only and protect us from foul speech, bless our tongue and our hearing and make us of those whose prayers are answered,ameen!