Saturday 27 July 2013

99 Names of Allah - Asma ul Husna - And the Answer is . . . Al-Jabbaar!

About the Meaning

Allah calls Himself Al-Jabbaar— The Compeller, The Restorer— once in the Quran, in ayah 23 of Surah Al Hashr.  Whatever Al-Jabbaar wills will happen; however this Name also encompasses all the meanings of mercy, compassion and tenderness!
Jabbaar comes from the root jeem-baa-raa or jabr and is said to point out to three main meanings. The first is to compel and force someone to do something. The second meaning is that jabr stands for strong, great and tall. And the third meaning of jabr is to repair, to mend, to restore something. The word jabeerah is used for a splint, to help broken bones.
The Arabic word Al-Jabbaar has the structure of intensification. Jaabir means the one who compels or restores, Jabbaar means the Ultimate Compeller, The Complete Restorer.
Al-Jabbaar is the Compeller, whatever He wills is what happens. He is the One who is Exalted, High above His creation and He is the One who Reforms, the One who fixes the situation for His creation.  

Allah Al-Jabbaar Versus the ‘Jabbaar’ People

The word jabbaar occurs ten times in the Quran, but only once it is used for Allah ‘azza wajal. Nine times it refers to people, but in a negative sense. It refers to the fact they oppress others, are arrogant etc. ‘Jabr’ does not befit people, we are supposed to be ‘ebaad (slaves). Only Allaah is al-Jabbaar, in a positive sense.

The Mother of Musa ‘alayhi sallam

And the heart-sight of Musa’s mother became empty, (and) decidedly she indeed almost declared him, had We not braced her heart, that she might be of the believers. [Quran Surah Qasas, ayah 10]. Allah Al-Jabbaar mended her heart.
Most of us relate this Name to Allah al-Jabbaar punishing the tyrants and oppressors for their ‘dhulm’ (injustice). Unlike Allah’s name Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger), Allah’s name Al-Jabbar has two meanings: The Superb Comforter and The Superb Potentate.  He is comforting to the oppressed and firm with the unjust as He punishes them for their injustice.
Both Fir’awn and the mother of Musa ‘alayhi sallam will deal with Al-Jabbaar. He is the One Who solaces and comforts the oppressed and punishes the tyrants and arrogant! Yaa al-Jabbaar!

How Can You Live by This Name?
  • Seek refuge in the suberb comforter.
Al-Jabbaar has the same root as ‘Al-Jabeera’ which means the splint, used to set the broken bones. Similary Allah al-Jabbaar sets the broken hearts of those who turn to Him. For them He is the Suberb Comforter. So seek shelter in Him from all your distresses! Take this as a general rule in your life.
  • Be kind to the underprivileged.
Be compassionate and kind to the underprivileged so that you escape Allah’s avengement when they resort to the Superb Potentate. This Name has a special meaning for the heavy-hearted. Imagine when you face The Compeller on the Day of Judgement, where people are either oppressors or oppressed. Who will be more fearful?
  • Pay attention to the hearts of parents— don’t be jabbaar!
We are also jabbaar sometimes.  Jabbaar is not just a mighty tyrant ruler, it can be anyone who refuses to obey and harms or hurts other people and doesn’t listen to their authority. An example is not listening to your parents and hurting them by your words or actions. So our lesson is, don’t be jabbaar!
  • Mend someone’s heart so that Al-Jabbaar mends yours.
If you have oppressed someone, ask for their forgiveness. If you see someone suffering, try to talk to them and show them your care. Mend someone’s heart tomorrow so that Allah al-Jabbaar mends yours.
  • When you feel unable to reach your goals, ask Al-Jabbaar!
If you feel weak and think you cannot accomplish something and if youask Al-Jabbaar to fix your deficiencies. Ask Al-Jabbaar to transform your sins into good deeds and strive for the comfort of Al-Jabbaar.
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.

O Allah, Al-Jabbaar, mend our hearts, protect us from oppression and from being oppressive to others, and enable us to reach all our goals which are pleasing to You, ameen!