Friday 19 July 2013

99 Names of Allah - Asma ul Husna - And the Answer is . . Al-Qahhaar!

Allah calls Himself Al-Qahhaar— The Subduer, The Ever-Dominating— six times in the Quran. All creatures surrender to Al-Qahhaar, Who submits and dominates the whole universe. This is a name of majestic strength!

Qahhaar comes from the root qaa-haa-raa which points to the attribute of overpowering something. It means to subdue, to dominate, to prevail, and to compel against one’s wishes. The Arabic word Al-Qahhaar has the structure of intensification, and is the intense form of Al-Qahir, The Irresistible.

Together with the name Al-Azeez and Al-Jabbaar, this beautiful name illustrates that Allah ‘azza wajal has the supreme authority and ultimate power to do anything. He can subdue anyone to compel him or her to His will.

The names Al-Qahhaar and Al-Lateef (subtle, refined) are sometimes used together to honor and reveal the opposing yet complementary ways of the One. He is The Subduer, but also The Most Wise and the Most Just. He’s never unfair, so be reassured.

The One and His Supreme Power

In all the six ayaat in the Quran in which this beautiful name is mentioned it is amazingly combined with the Name
الْوَاحِدُ (the One). Allah ‘azza wajal is telling us that everything that is created submits to Allah willingly or unwillingly— that’s the power and force of Al-Qahhaar. And this supreme power rests with Him only.

The skies, the earth, the angels, and all the creatures obey Him. Al-Qahhaar left us the choice; either we come to Him willingly or He’ll make us come to Him anyway. Allah says:  “ . . . then said to it and to the earth, “Come up (you two) willingly (or: in obedience) or unwillingly!” They (both) said, “We come up willingly.” [Quran, 41:11]

Look at the gravity of the earth, which ensures that people can make an object go only so far. We as human beings can only go a limited speed. Regardless of how far technology advances, this technology will be subdued by Al-Qahhaar to comply to His will. It shows us how limited we are and how grand, powerful, and majestic Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa is.

A Soul-shaking Moment with Al-Qahhaar

One of the greatest examples is that the whole creation is subdued by death. Allah ‘azza wajal says about one of the most soul-shaking moments related to us: The Day when they will (all) come out, nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. Whose is the kingdom this Day? (Allah Himself will reply to His Question): It isAllah’s the One,Al-Qahhaar! [Quran,40:16]

How Can You Live By This Name?

Submit. Surrender. What does Islam mean? It means you submit. You surrender to the Lord of the Worlds. As his Lord said to him, “Surrender,” (i.e., be Muslim) he said, “I have surrendered to The Lord of the worlds.” (Quran 2:131). Does the Name Al-Qahhaar invite you to fear Allah ‘azza wajal and panic or to apprehend and surrender? So surrender your heart, your limbs, your actions, your speech, your senses, your talents and your skills all to Him. Don’t submit to your own desires and whims; submit to Al-Qahhaar willingly! Know that submission is not a sort of humiliation but rather an apprehension and a beautiful glorification!

Ponder on how Al-Qahhaar  expresses His will. The sea or a breeze of fresh air can be at times deadly and at other times beautiful and calm. He created the water with the ability to extinguish fire. Look at how Al-Qahhaar commanded nature to change at His Will; the fire that didn’t burn Ibrahim alayhi sallam, the knife when it didn’t slaughter Ismaeel alayhi sallam, the whale when it swallowed Yunus alayhi sallam, but didn’t digest him.  Teach your children at bedtime the story of the elephant, a powerful creature and Abrahah and how Allah destroyed him with the weakest of creatures; birds. Ponder upon the effect of His Will all around you.

Be kind to the weak. Be compassionate and kind to the weak, especially the orphans and the poor. Al-Qahhaar says: “Then, as for the orphan, then do not subdue (him), and as for the beggar, then do not scold (him).” [Quran, 93:9-10]. Imagine facing The Subduer, The Ever-Dominating, on the Day of Judgement, where people are either oppressors or oppressed. Who will be more fearful?

Be good to people at all times. Apprehension of Al-Qahhaar and His supreme power makes you treat people well, because it makes you remember His punishment. Look at how submissive Umar ibn al-Khattaab radiyallahu anhu was, when asking his son to put his face in the dust as he was dying so that Al-Qahhaar would have mercy upon him. Umar Ibn al-Azeez ordered his servant to remind him of Al-Qahhaar in case he saw him oppressing anyone. Live by this name by being good, just, and fair to others at all times.

Abandon your sins. Remind yourself of the power of Al-Qahhaar, and free your tears. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says that whoever cries because of apprehension won’t enter hellfire. Al-Qahhaar compels your tongue at the time of your death. You might be unable to say la ilaaha illallaah because of your bad deeds. Or He may compel your tongue to say it because of your good deeds. Have you noticed what a simple phrase la ilaaha illallaah is and that you can say it without even moving your lips? Still it is the will of Al-Qahhaar that will enable or not enable you to say it. May we be of those who utter the shahada in our last breath, ameen!

Ask Al-Qahhaar!

The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say a certain dua at the end of any gathering: My Lord, grant us apprehension which keeps us away from disobeying you. Grant us submission which delivers us to Jannah, and grant us faith which makes us endure the worldly trials. Revive this sunnah in your life!
Al-Qahhaar started life on earth by a blow in Adam’s body and ends by a blow on the trumpet. Allahu Akbar!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.

O Allah, Al-Qahhaar, make us of those who bow to You in Islam, adorn us with apprehension of You and aid us to surrender our hearts and our actions to You only. Make us ponder Your power, abandon our sins, and be kind to the weak, ameen!